The more we talk about it, the more we make it acceptable to discuss with others, including our doctors/NPs and those we rely upon for support.
These conditions are real. They have causes, symptoms, and treatment options. The time for suffering in silence is over.
🌷Vestibulodynia- persistent pain located at the vulvar vestibule (vaginal opening) that may be related to conditions that affect the tissue or nerves in that area.
🌷Painful Bladder Syndrome- formerly called Interstitial Cystitis (IC), this describes chronic bladder pain without an identified cause, but may be related to the lining of the bladder or the muscles surrounding the bladder.
🌷Lichen Sclerosus and Lichen Planus- two likely autoimmune skin conditions that affect the vulva (LS) and the vestibule and vagina (LP) leading skin changes, itching, and narrowing of the vaginal opening.
🌷Pudendal neuralgia- pain located in the distribution of the pudendal nerve, can be a cause of generalized vulvodynia (persistent pain of the vulva), including clitorodynia (pain of the clitoris).
🌷Chronic vaginitis/vaginosis- recurrent or persistent vulvovaginal infections such as yeast infections or bacterial vaginosis.
🌷Endometriosis- the presence of endometrial (uterine lining) glands and stroma outside the utuerus, leading to pelvic pain and infertility.
🌷Overactive Pelvic Floor Dysfunction- increased tone of the pelvic floor muscles, leading to genito-pelvic pain, as well as urinary and bowel symptoms.